Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Fortunately, unfortunately

"NO evidence of progression of recurrent or metastatic disease".

Fortunately, unfortunately.

Unfortunately, I have a head cold, and I physically feel like death warmed over.

Fortunately, I had a CT scan yesterday, and as of this scan, there's "no evidence of recurrence or progression of metastatic disease." (Translation - my metastatic breast cancer has not visibly grown or changed since June. I seen the piccies. There's a slight possibility it has gone more away....)

Unfortunately, I feel like hell.

Fortunately, I also feel about a thousand times better than three days ago. Three days ago, there was a distinct possibility I'd be starting chemotherapy for the fourth time, that is now very unlikely, three months out at the soonest.

So despite the head cold, I feel wonderful. Yes, head cold. No, cancer. For now.

What makes you feel fortunate?

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